On July 6, 2018, MTS Systems and Swinburne University of Technology staged a comprehensive, one-day seminar on hybrid simulation technologies and methods for engineering applications at the Swinburne Smart Structures Laboratory in Melbourne, Australia. Guided by thought leaders from Swinburne. PEER at University of California Berkeley and MTS Systems, seminar attendees explored the tools, techniques and best practices required for pursuing safe, meaningful and productive Pseudo-dynamic and Real-time hybrid simulation investigations.
View the recorded presentations, demonstration and panel discussion below:
Professor Riadh al-Mahaidi, Director of the Smart Structures Laboratory at Swinburne University, provides a detailed overview of the Smart Structures facility and its unique testing equipment used for furthering hybrid simulation research.
Professor Khalid Mosalam, Professor of Civil Engineering at UC Berkeley and Director of PEER, reviews the past and future of hybrid simulation.
Dr. Shawn You, Senior Systems Integration Engineer at MTS, provides a brief introduction on using hybrid simulation on civil structures.
Dr. Shawn Gao, Senior Systems Integration Engineer at MTS, reviews advanced control techniques often used in more complicated hybrid simulation models.
Graeme Burnett, Senior Test Engineer at Swinburne University, presents the capabilities of the Smart Structures Laboratory. Come see what makes this one of the top hybrid simulation research facilities in the world.
Dr. Jayad Hashemi, Deputy Director of the Smart Structures Laboratory, reviews various substructuring techniques used in hybrid simulation.
Join the Smart Structures Laboratory Team as they provide a demonstration of the lab’s capabilities.
Dr. Shawn Gao, Senior Systems Integration Engineer at MTS, discusses Real-Time Hybrid Simulation strategies and requirements.
Dr. Shawn You, Senior Systems Integration Engineer at MTS, presents new hybrid simulation tools used in civil, wind, aero, and automotive markets.