One of the most important things you can do to protect hydraulic system health is to monitor and maintain the system’s hydraulic fluid. MTS brings knowledge gained from years of working with servohydraulic test equipment to the fluid analysis process so you can rely on us to help keep your system in peak performance condition. Here are some of the advantages of the MTS Fluid Care Program:
Patented fluid sampling tool
MTS field service engineers use our patented sampling tool to take fluid samples. They are trained in proper sampling techniques from the correct procedure for flushing a sample bottle, to collecting the sample, and handling it once it has been taken. Their expertise will help you get an accurate sample.
Designed specifically for servohydraulic testing applications
MTS partners with ExxonMobil Oil Corporation to customize the Mobil Serv oil analysis services to MTS’ more stringent requirements for analysis, alert thresholds, information notification and trending. MTS then combines the results from several parameters to achieve a comprehensive evaluation of the fluid condition.
Professional evaluation of fluid chemistry
As part of our Fluid Care Program, MTS engineers with in-depth knowledge of servohydraulic system operation will evaluate fluid analysis results. They will then communicate those results and suggest potential corrective actions to maximize system health.