4 Day Course
For customers who are converting from 793 Multipurpose TestWare (MPT) to TestSuite Multipurpose Elite (mpe) or customers who are new to the MTS TestSuite mpe software, MTS offers a package that combines product training and test consulting. This is an excellent option to quickly bring your staff up to speed on the new software and to develop your test methods so you can continue testing with minimal interruption.
Training helps ensure that your staff understands the software and is familiar with setting up and editing tests and reports. Once your staff is comfortable with the software, the test consultant works with you to design or convert your test methods to your specific requirements.
The training is done at your location using your conference room facilities and your computers. Each student receives a 30-day license to run TestSuite mpe in simulation mode. This enables them to actively participate during the class and apply their new skills after it. Consulting can take place in the classroom and in your lab with your systems testing your products.
The benefits to this approach are twofold:
1. It can reduce the time required to transition your lab to MTS TestSuite mpe software.
2. As your testing needs change, your staff will have the skills required to modify and develop test templates.
Who Should Attend
This training is designed for test engineers who need to create or modify tests using MTS TestSuite mpe software. No prior experience with MTS TestSuite mpe is needed, however a familiarity with material testing and servo-hydraulic test systems is required. Detailed knowledge of the tests that need to be conducted will maximize the benefits of the course.
Learning Objectives
Training – 2 days (8 hours each)
Training on the MTS TestSuite mpe product gives you a foundation for creating and maintaining the tests and reports you need now and into the future.
» Training is conducted at the customer site in a conference room environment.
» Class size is limited to eight students.
» Hands-on training is provided for each student using the software’s simulation mode.
» Training includes an MTS TestSuite mpe 30-day simulation mode license for each student.
» Customer provides student computers.
Consulting – 2 days (8 hours each)
Consulting services give you expert assistance with your choice of the following:
» Converting 793 Multipurpose TestWare (MPT) procedures to TestSuite MP Elite (mpe) tests
» Creating a new test from a written description
» Optimizing test procedures
Advanced Planning Session
A planning session conducted on-line or by phone with the customer, trainer and consultant is included prior to the course in order to make the course time most effective.
To further customize the package you can add:
An additional day of consulting at the package price. Custom test templates, written in advance by MTS so they are sure to be ready when you need them.
Tuition: Contact your service sales specialist for pricing details.
Contact MTS to request a training consultation.