Our Smallest and Quietest HPU—Ideal for Low-Force Test Applications
MTS hydraulic power units are renowned for quiet, efficient and reliable operation, and now we have a small, energy-efficient HPU made specifically for low-force applications from 1–25 kN (0.2–5.5 kip). The new SilentFlo 515.04 HPU is ideal for these single-station materials testing applications.
Optimally sized for a single servohydraulic test system that requires a maximum of 15.1 lpm (4 gpm) average flow, this new HPU is an economical solution for hydraulic power generation. If you have a small MTS Landmark® or Bionix® load frame, this HPU can provide a dedicated power source at a fraction of the cost of a larger unit.
The SilentFlo 515.04 HPU is the most energy-efficient in our line. The small size requires less power to operate; and because it is designed with the new power module and cooling circuits found in other MTS SilentFlo 515 models, this unit saves energy by requiring less power to cool as well.
Just how quiet? The HPU operates at 57 dB(A), which is quieter than normal conversation. In addition, the tuned tubes reduce the outlet noise ripple that can negatively impact testing accuracy.
With its small footprint and extremely quiet operation, it can be placed next to your test system, providing convenient access to your entire system: the load frame, the controls and the hydraulics.
This HPU is easy to maintain with fewer parts and the elimination of surge suppressors and bypass circuits. The new pressure control maintains pressure stability, and the accessible controls make it easy to operate.
Now you can have the HPU that is the perfect size for your low-force materials testing applications. Contact MTS today to see how a smaller, more energy-efficient HPU can improve operational efficiency in your lab.