Our experienced field service engineers and calibration technicians use the best procedures available to provide credible and traceable transducer and extensometer calibrations in the disciplines of force, pressure, torque and strain. ISO/IEC 17025 accredited factory calibration services are also available for a variety of transducers used with MTS controller electronics.
MTS has field service organizations trained to perform your necessary onsite transducer and system calibrations. Many of the MTS Onsite Calibration services are ISO/IEC 17025 accredited and comply with a wide range of ASTM and ISO test methods. Our engineers are equipped with the necessary calibration equipment, traceable through NIST or other recognized National Metrology Institutes, and utilize our proprietary automated calibration software to reliably deliver your calibration data. A calibration report and certificate is issued showing As Found/As Left calibration data.
Metrology Laboratory
The MTS Metrology Laboratory provides a full range of in-house calibration services to meet your measurement and test equipment special requirements, including both ISO/IEC 17025 accredited and non-accredited calibration services.
For transducers that are integrated into test systems:
Linear displacement
Angle (rotary transducers)
Factory calibration for transducers:
Force transducer calibration - axial calibration up to 220,000 lbf
Torque transducer calibration - up to 100,000 lbf.in
Pressure transducer calibration - up to 10,000 psi
Multi-axial Calibration
Provided exclusively by MTS Metrology Laboratory
While most wheel force transducers are calibrated one channel at a time, SWIFT Evo units go through a meticulous, automated process that calibrates the entire transducer, cycling through each channel while exciting all others. This approach enables precise measurements of cross-coupling coefficients under far more realistic loading conditions.
The calibrated SWIFT Evo wheel force transducer yields data that can be shared across units with very high fidelity; providing flexibility to dedicate specific units for RLDA, drive file generation or durability testing, while maintaining data integrity across the process.
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