Flat-Trac LTRe

Meet your force and moment measurement needs with MTS Flat-Trac

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Tire Treadwear System

Explore the full array of MTS tire testing solutions

MTS Tire Test Systems


New Product

The Enhanced Flat-Trac CT Plus

A new benchmark for tire force and moment measurement.

Application Note

Tire Force & Moment Testing

Industry-standard Flat-Trac Tire Test Systems

Case Study

National Tire Research Center (NTRC): Transforming Tire Design

High-powered MTS tire test system enables manufacturers t…


New Generation Flat-Trac Systems

MTS permanent magnet motors enhance torque capacity, resp…


Pushing Tire Testing into Uncharted Territory

NTRC equips world's most capable tire testing facility

New Product

Introducing FlexTest Elite Performance Controllers

Increase channel count, system rate and computational cap…


European Off-Highway Seminar

Explore the technologies and methods used to evaluate agricu…


Test Rig Design

Build your own high-quality, reconfigurable component and su…


The Promise of Virtual Testing

Using analysis tools to derive accurate loads, motion and da…

Application Note

Testing High-performance Bike Suspensions

Tour the testing lab at Fox Factory, Inc. to see how they co…


The Origins of RPC with Dr. Glen Grenier

Q&A with the durability testing pioneer on the rise of R…


Factors to Weigh When Considering Electric or Hydraulic Test Systems

Guidance on damper test systems and road simulators