
Innovation Note

Gen 3 Kinematic & Compliance Deflection Measurement System

New K&C ideal for characterizing electric vehicles.

New Product

New K&C Steer Input for Characterizing Electric Vehicles

New assembly addresses emerging industry requirements.


The Case for Calibration

MTS calibration can help increase data validity and lab effi…

Innovation Note

Accelerate Active & Semi-active System Development

Explore the the advantages of proven mHIL technology.

New Product

Introducing an all-electric, durability capable Model 320 Tire-coupled Road Simulator

Featuring MTS Iron-core Linear Electric Actuation

Application Note

Tire Force & Moment Testing

Industry-standard Flat-Trac Tire Test Systems

Application Note

Chassis NVH Testing

GNTP component and bushing NVH test stands. 


The Right 4-Poster: Servohydraulic or Electric?

Factors to weigh when comparing servohydraulic and electr…

New Product

Model 329i Road Simulator

Achieve new levels of durability test fidelity and productiv…

Application Note

Electric Vehicle Battery Testing

High-frequency 6DOF MAST Systems

Application Note

Large Geometry EV Battery Vibration Testing

Test battery packs for commercial and off-highway vehicles

Application Note

High-Payload Vibration Test System

Tests heavy EV battery packs and large vehicle components


Test Rig Design

Build your own high-quality, reconfigurable component and su…

New Product

Introducing FlexTest Elite Performance Controllers

Increase channel count, system rate and computational cap…

K&C System

Explore the complete portfolio of MTS Kinematic & Compliance Deflection Measurement Systems.

MTS K&C Solutions