Flat-Trac LTRe

Meet a full spectrum of tire force and moment measurement needs.

Flat-Trac Tire Solutions



Light Truck & Racing Tire Testing

Flat-Trac LTRe Force & Moment Measurement System

Case Study

National Tire Research Center (NTRC): Transforming Tire Design

High-powered MTS tire test system enables manufacturers t…


Pushing Tire Testing into Uncharted Territory

NTRC equips world's most capable tire testing facility


New Generation Flat-Trac Systems

MTS permanent magnet motors enhance torque capacity, resp…


Tire Rolling Resistance Measurement

Gain the data needed to understand tire rolling loss.

New Product

Next-Generation K&C System

Meet demands for increased suspension measurement precision …


State-of-the-Art Rolling Contact Fatigue (RCF) System

Replicate the dynamic interaction of rails and rolling stock…

Tire Treadwear System

Explore the full array of MTS tire testing solutions

MTS Tire Test Systems