Industry-standard Flat-Trac® Tire Testing Systems provide deep insight into how a tire's force and moment properties affect vehicle dynamics and handling.
Flat-Trac Tire Testing Systems apply precise vertical, camber, steer, and drive/braking inputs to spinning tires on a flat surface to accurately measure force and moment (F&M) properties that affect vehicle performance and handling. Featuring patented moving belt technology, high-performance spindle drives, and full-featured TestSuite Tire software, MTS' Flat-Trac family sets the world standard for tire F&M measurement, comprising four standard configurations to perform a full spectrum of steady state and dynamic test applications on passenger car, SUV, light truck, and racing tires.
Flat-Trac Moving Belt Technology employs a stainless steel belt and proprietary bearing, tracking, and tensioning technologies to maintain a near-perfectly flat, realistic vehicle-to-road interface, even at test speeds in excess of 200mph (320km/h).
Advanced Tire Spindle Drives feature lightweight, high power density electric motors and high-fidelity tire load transducers to accurately replicate a wide range of dynamic, high-torque driving, braking, and cornering events.
MTS TestSuite Tire Software features an array of tools and templates for creating both industry-standard and custom tire tests, and an intuitive multi-lingual user interface that provides test engineers complete real-time control of a tire test system.
The Flat-Trac Development Lab allows prospective customers to experience first-hand how MTS technology can be used to meet industry demands for improved tire characterization, and pursue new simulation and modeling possibilities.