Maximize test lab accuracy, efficiency & safety

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Innovation Note

Next-Generation EMA Damper Performance Test Systems

Optimized EMA line to launch in early 2025.

Innovation Note

Accelerate Active & Semi-active System Development

Explore the the advantages of proven mHIL technology.


Proven Solutions for Evolving Shock Absorber Test Needs

Industry proven servo hydraulic solutions

SIE Presents

MTS Damper Software: Velocity Preservation

Create high-velocity sinusoidal damper tests.

New Product

Model 853 Damper NVH System

Analyze the complete spectrum of damper noise and vibration …


Adapting to Evolving Damper NVH Requirements

Detecting and evaluating structure-borne Chuckle


Damper NVH Testing

Next-generation Damper NVH System Design


Factors to Weigh When Considering Electric or Hydraulic Test Systems

Guidance on damper test systems and road simulators

MTS Product Page

Fluid Care Program

Managed sampling, analysis and review of hydraulic fluids…

Online Training

New Online Training Classes Available

Live, instructor-led introductory courses on our most common…